power in remote areas will require special business model to succeed More than 1.2 billion people lack access to
basic electricity service. The majority of those people are living in
developing nations, in rural or isolated areas with high rates of poverty.
Steep costs and remote terrain often make it impractical or even impossible to
extend the electric grid.
up the thermostat could help tropical climates cool down The best cognitive
performance, as indicated by task speed, was recorded at 26°C; at 29°C, the
availability of an occupant-controlled fan partially mitigated the negative
effect of the elevated temperature. In the United States, about 75 percent of
electricity is used in buildings. Meanwhile, in the U.S. and worldwide, air
conditioning accounts for 40 percent of total energy use and relative
greenhouse gas emissions. The tests used smart, energy-efficient desk fans that
run on more efficient, direct-current (DC) motors using between 3 and 17 watts,
rather than alternative-current (AC) motors that use around 100 watts.